Thursday, August 16, 2012

RE-MAX Balloon

Niantic, CT

One of the attractions at the recent "Celebrate East Lyme" festival was this RE-MAX hot air balloon.  They were offering the public a ride in the basket,  all be it a very short, and well tethered ride.  When I lived out in the midwest, hot air balloons seemed to be a lot more commonplace than here in Connecticut.  Perhaps being so close to Long Island Sound and the ocean makes this area slightly more hazardous for hot air ballooning. 


  1. Did you take a ride?

    Where I live hot air balloons are an usual sight, sometimes when the weather is right you can see twenty or more at once.

    Not for me, though. I don't like heights that much and being imprisoned in a small basket doesn't sound good to me as well.

    But I guess it's a wonderful experience.

    1. No, I didn't not take a ride that evening. It is something I would like to try someday.
