Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Beebe Phillips House, ca 1838

Waterford, CT  2020


  1. Hi, Ed. I wanted to let you know that the City Daily Photo portal will be having its death rattle in the coming weeks. The continuous update feature expired a couple of months ago when the software vendor stopped offering the service and no substitute could be found. And, as you have probably noticed, the blog format has been in a steep decline as photographers have migrated to Facebook, Instagram and too many other services to keep track of. The monthly theme days that used to get more than 100 entries now struggle along with about two dozen.

    Many CDP bloggers will continue with their own blogs as before, and I hope you do, but there will be no portal to search for interesting posts that we don’t follow.

    The place for a CDP “community” is Facebook’s “City Daily Photo” group, where many of the longtime CDP bloggers continue to link their pages. I have noticed that you are not a member. I wanted to call your attention to that group in case you want to sign up.

    This is the message I posted in the CDP Facebook group page earlier today:

    The clock is running out on the CDP portal. Software vendors have terminated their services, blogger headcounts are down. The last theme day will be on September 1, “A Favorite Photo.” This Facebook group will continue. If you have CDP friends who are not on Facebook or members of this group, invite them to join.

    1. Hi Jack,
      Thank you for the information. I use Facebook every now and then and will look into the City Daily Photo Facebook Group. I have never contributed to the CDP portal at all, not knowing just how dedicated I was going to be in maintaining a regular posting schedule.
      Thank you for the invite.
