Sunday, January 20, 2013

Small Boat

Mystcic River, Mystic, CT

One often sees boats moored off shore in the various coves, inlets, and marinas in this part of Connecticut.  With some of the larger fishing and sailing boats, it's obvious that to reach them, one needs a smaller boat or inflatable craft.  This boat was pretty small relatively speaking, and I wondered why it wasn't moored closer to shore.  I guess it could be moored here, awaiting the return of the "mother ship", so to speak, but at this time of the year, most of the larger boats are stored for the winter and I've not seen any particularly large craft in this part of the Mystic River.  

1 comment:

  1. Interesting photo. Keep an eye on that boat as I'm sure there is a story behind it that might be curious. There seems to be considerable equipment on the boat for it to just be left for the winter. That's the sort of boat that goes on a small car trailer, not a mooring. Perhaps the "mother-ship" is in the Caribbean?
