I see from the Blogger "archives" that my last post was dated November 19, 2018 and posts all throughout 2018 were sporadic at best due to some major health issues. Since November, most of my time has been spent recovering from two major surgeries that have left me with little energy nor the motivation to pursue photography and therefore posts to this blog. The good news is, the surgeries were curative, and I am now free from cancer. I'm slowly regaining my strength, but never realized how long a process the recovery would be. On top of all that, in February a company reorganization resulted in my position being eliminated, so after 40 years in the drug discovery business I now find myself adjusting to retired life, a number of months ahead of my planned retirement. With retirement, though comes a lot more free time, not only to completely recover physically, but also to pursue all my interests, including becoming a better photographer. I hope I remember how to post my photos here and offer the first of what I hope will be regular, daily photos from southeast Connecticut, and other areas.

Stonington, CT 2019