New London, CT 2017
New London, or more precisely Groton is the home of the Naval Submarine Base New London, the worlds first, and finest submarine base. It is the home of the Submarine Force, and often one can catch glimpses of the subs as they leave for or return from deployment. Recently while having coffee in New London with a colleague of mine, I spotted this submarine way down river returning to port. I had enough time to run to my car for my camera and walk out to the end of city pier to attempt these photographs. Subs are not the easiest subjects to photograph. Even when on the surface, there is very little above the waterline. You might have to click on the pictures for a larger view to see it more clearly. They certainly don't stick out much on the water. A far more skilled photographer than I would have done a much better job getting a better exposure and more than likely would have had a much longer lens available.

I'm not sure which Navy submarine this is, or to which class of subs it belongs. There were no markings of any kind on the sub. This sub might have been built right here in Groton in the General Dynamics Electric Boat Div, pictured behind the sub in the top picture.