Friday, November 23, 2012

Mystic River Bridge

Mystic, CT

The bridge was built in 1920 and connects both halves of Mystic, CT.  It carries Route 1 across the Mystic River.  It's an example of a "bascule"design, a drawbridge having counterweights to balance the moveable span.  Each of the concrete counterweights on this bridge weighs 230 tons which doesn't quite balance the moveable span's weight of 660 tons, but offsets the weight enough to allow two 40 hp electric motors to open and lower the bridge.  Currently the bridge is undergoing extensive repairs, which is best done during the winter months when there is much less boat and vehicular traffic.  During the summer months, it opens every hour at 40 minutes past the hour, backing up traffic along Route 1 in both directions.


  1. Oh, yes, I know this bridge. It can be a pain in the summertime if you time it wrong.

  2. With the bridge down for the winter, there won't be and big traffic tie-ups until next spring. Boats can't go up and down the river now either.

  3. This bridge is for LOOSERS.

  4. This bridge, this bridge "for LOOSERS", is one of the sentinels drawing onlookers, photographers,lovers,families, and visitors of all walks to this area. I grew up in the area and would not trade this bridge for any other. I remember being fascinated as a child at the near miss of the north counter weight and the building it swings past during it's open/close. I recently had the pleasure of showing my own child this near miss and just like me all those years ago, she was so fascinated with it all. Needless to say, I take it personally when someone makes such an unfounded claim that the Mystic Bridge is for losers. I say to you, 'explain yourself.' I did.
